Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Excited for Fall

Things have been crazy busy around here, as usual. I'm really excited that fall is finally here. This is my favorite time of year. Both kids were fall babies, and Nathan and I got married in the fall. The weather is finally starting to cool off a little. Looking forward for the mountains to change colors. About the kids....well, they have both been sick. Levi just got over an ear infection...just in time for Amelia to get sick with a cold and ear infection. Both kids have snotty noses and are coughing all day long, no fun when one is sick and definently no fun when they are both sick. Levi has officially started walking. He took some steps in August, but now is walking all of the time. He still crawls when he wants to go fast, but is definently walking a lot more. Amelia is loving preschool so far. I kind of wonder if she is still too young for it sometimes, but I'm going to stick with it I think. She has her big birthday party coming up on the 26th at "My Gym". It should be a lot of fun for her. Nathan spent 3 days putting together the swingset we bought for Amelia. It was a big job. She keeps telling us she "loves her park". My mom and dad are traveling out here from Ohio the day after Amelia's birthday to spend some time with the kids. My mom is staying for 3 whole weeks. I'm really looking forward to their visit.

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